Helen Street Waterline Replacement
Project No: 16-807-91
Location: Robinson Township, Allegheny County, PA
Owner: The Municipal Authority of the Township of Robinson
Manager: Doug Evans
Estimated Cost: $415,000
*Corrected Figure
**Contract Awarded December 12, 2024
Contractor | Contact Person | Bid Amount |
The Municipal Authority of the Township of Robinson 4200 Campbells Run Road Pittsburgh, PA 15205 |
Leo Gismondi | N/A |
W. A. Petrakis Contracting, LLC 1501 Pontiac Court Export, PA 15632 |
Joe Urban | $428,728.50 |
Williams Excavating,LLC 6025 Schafer Drive New Kensington, PA 15068 |
Dayne Williams | N/A |
Rudzik Excavating, Inc. P.O. Box 206 401 Lowellville Road Struthers, OH 44471 |
Jim Tressa | $510,000.00 |
Veradi Landscapes, LLC 2156 Poor Richards Lane Pittsburgh, PA 15237 |
Nick Veradi | $508,508.88* |
Strnisha Excavation, Inc. 109 Veronica Drive Canonsburg, PA 15317 |
Carol Strnisha | $417,640.50* |
S.E.T, Inc. 235 East Water Street, Ste. C Lowellville, OH 44436 |
Lindsey Sherrod | $460,717.84 |
Frank J. Zottola Construction, Inc. 595 Pittsburgh Road Butler, PA 16002 |
Regan Thompson | $396,145.00** |
Bid Advertisement
Sealed Bids are requested by the Municipal Authority of the Township of Robinson at 4200 Campbells Run Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15205 until 3:00 P.M. prevailing time, Wednesday, December 4, 2024 for the Helen Street Waterline Replacement. Bids will be opened publicly and read aloud immediately after the closing time for receipt of Bids.
Interested parties may view the Profile and Bid Schedule for this Project on the internet at: www.niraengineers.com.
Copies of the Bid Documents may be examined at the office of the Municipal Authority of the Township of Robinson or at the office of NIRA Consulting Engineers, Inc., 950 Fifth Avenue, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania 15108. Copies thereof may be obtained from the office of NIRA Consulting Engineers, Inc., upon payment of a non-refundable sum of $100.00. An additional charge of $15.00 will be required for handling of Plans and Specifications when shipping is requested. Checks are to be made payable to NIRA Consulting Engineers, Inc. Bids must be submitted on the forms provided, and completed in strict accordance with the instructions provided. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond, in the form of a Certified Check or Corporate Surety Bid Bond, in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Bid Proposal made in the favor of the Municipal Authority of the Township of Robinson. Only documents obtained directly from the Engineer will be valid at bid opening.
A Performance Bond, Labor and Material Payment Bond, and Maintenance Bond in the amounts specified within the Contract Documents will be required of the successful Bidder.
Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the Provisions of the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act 442. The Prevailing Wage Scale is included in these Specifications.
Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the Provisions of the Public Works Employment Verification Act (PWEVA).
Adherence to Instructions to Bidders is required.
No Bid or any part thereof shall be withdrawn by Bidder for a period of sixty (60) days subsequent to the Bid Opening.
The right is reserved by the Owner to reject any or all Bids or parts of bids and to waive technical defects in any Bid.
Project Scope
The work generally includes the installation of 935 linear feet of 6 inch PVC waterline, 146 linear feet of 2 inch copper waterline, fire hydrant, gate valve, an air/vac valve, service lines and valves, and surface restoration.
Bid Schedule
Item No. | Description | Estimated Quantity |
Unit |
1. |
Mobilization, Bonds, Insurances, Shop Drawings, and Photo Documentation. |
LS |
2. |
Maintenance and Protection of Traffic. |
LS |
3. |
Finish Grading, Topsoil, Soil Supplements, Seeding, Mulching, Fertilizer, and Erosion and Sedimentation Controls. |
LS |
4. |
Test Hole Excavation (As Directed). |
3 |
EA |
5. |
Miscellaneous Incidental Work. Includes Landscaping, Removal and Reinstall Fencing, Guide Rails, Walls, and Planters, Clearing and Grubbing, and All Other Items Not Specified Herein. Includes All Materials, Labor and Equipment to Complete. |
LS |
6. |
Dechlorination of All Planned and Unplanned Discharges. |
LS |
7. |
6 Inch C900 PVC Pipe and D.I. Fittings. |
935 |
LF |
8. |
2 Inch Type “K” Copper Tubing Waterline. |
146 |
LF |
9. |
Polywrap Pipe Encasement (D.I. Fittings Only). |
125 |
LF |
10. |
6 Inch Mechanical Joint Restraint (Megalug PVC to MJ). |
26 |
EA |
11. |
6 Inch External Bell Harness Joint Restraint. |
56 |
EA |
12. |
6 Inch Resilient Wedge Gate Valve, Box and Lid. |
1 |
EA |
13. |
Combination Air Valve Manhole (As Detailed). |
1 |
EA |
14. |
Remove Existing Fire Hydrant Assembly and Valve. |
2 |
EA |
15. |
McKees Rocks Road Waterline Connection Sta. 0+19±. As Detailed on the Construction Drawings and Technical Specifications or As Required by Actual Field Conditions. Includes All Labor, Tools, Equipment and Temporary Materials to Complete As Described in the Measurement and Payment Section of the Technical Specifications. Also Includes All Costs Associated with Working at Night. |
LS |
16. |
Helen Street Waterline Connection Sta. 9+35±. As Detailed on the Construction Drawings and Technical Specifications or As Required by Actual Field Conditions. Includes All Labor, Tools, Equipment and Temporary Materials to Complete As Described in the Measurement and Payment Section of the Technical Specifications. Also Includes All Costs Associated with Working at Night. |
LS |
17. |
PennDOT No. 2A Coarse Aggregate Limestone Backfill (In Pipe Trench and As Ordered by the Engineer). |
450 |
CY |
18. |
3/4 Inch Corporation Valve and Service Saddle. |
15 |
EA |
19. |
3/4 Inch Curb Valve, Box and Lid. |
15 |
EA |
20. |
3/4 Inch Type “K” Copper Tubing Service Line. |
425 |
LF |
21. |
Fire Hydrant Assembly Including 6 Inch Valve (As Detailed). |
2 |
EA |
22. |
2 Inch Blow-Off Assembly. |
1 |
EA |
23. |
Abandon Existing Water Main Valve. |
1 |
EA |
24. |
Tracer Wire. |
1,120 |
LF |
25. |
Tracer Wire Test Station. |
3 |
EA |
26. |
Tracer Wire Grounding Anode. |
5 |
EA |
27. |
Tracer Wire Hydrant Access Box with Hydrant Flange. |
2 |
EA |
28. |
Concrete Pipe Encasement. |
2 |
CY |
29. |
Temporary Asphalt Pavement (2 Inch Depth of 9.5mm Warm Mix). |
30 |
30. |
Township Road Asphalt Trench Pavement Restoration (As Detailed). |
600 |
SY |
31. |
Mill Township Road to 1-1/2 Inch Depth. |
2,000 |
SY |
32. |
Overlay Township Road to 1-1/2 Inch Depth Asphalt Wearing Course. |
2,000 |
SY |
33. |
Asphalt Driveway Restoration. |
25 |
SY |
34. |
Concrete Driveway Restoration. |
25 |
SY |
35. |
Gravel Driveway Restoration. |
25 |
SY |
NIRA Consulting Engineers, Inc.
950 Fifth Avenue, Coraopolis, PA 15108