Excellence in Engineering:
From a technical standpoint, NIRA performs in an effective and professional manner. With over 35 years of experience in residential and commercial land development engineering and surveying, NIRA possesses the knowledge and contacts to get the job done. Each project is given individual attention to ensure the client is given a top priority and excellent service. In providing our services, each project is given individual attention to ensure technical expertise and initiatives.
Customized Services:
What sets NIRA apart is our policy of considering clients’ needs in the management of a project and in providing our engineering services. In addition to the purely technical aspects of a project, NIRA recognizes the need for proper management and the necessary coordination between client and manager, as well as, proper communication with local and state government agencies, to ensure the project is completed efficiently and effectively. Toward this end, intangibles have been considered as a means to expedite the project and enhance overall services.
Boundary Surveys
Topographic Surveys
ALTA Surveys
Subdivision Plans
Construction Layout
Flood Elevation Certifications
Easement Plans
Right-of-way Dedication/Vacation Plans
Site Civil Engineering:
Sewage Facilities Planning Modules
Stormwater Management
NPDES Permitting
Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans
DEP Chapter 105 Permitting
DEP General Permits
Sanitary Sewer Design
Sanitary Pump Stations
Grading Plans
Construction Drawings
Hydraulic and Hydrologic Analysis Studies
FEMA Map Revisions
Highway Occupancy Permits
Traffic Engineering Studies
Highway and Intersection Design
Traffic Signal Design
Parking Demand Studies
NIRA Consulting Engineers, Inc.
950 Fifth Avenue, Coraopolis, PA 15108